


Title: Fast Eigensolver for 3D Photonic Crystals in the Oblique Coordinate System

Abstract: In this talk, we consider studying the eigen-decomposition and developing the fast solver for 3D Maxwell’s equations for photonic crystals. The fast algorithm for Maxwell’s equations (FAME) is proposed for band structure calculations of 3D isotopic/anisotropic photonic crystals(PCs), especially with non-orthogonal Bravais lattices. By directly working with the intrinsic coordinate system with Bravais translation lattices/inverse lattices as basis/inverse basis and covariant/contravariant formulations, the frequency domain Maxwell’s equations are discretized into a genralized eigenvalue problem (GEP). With an alternative understanding of nullspace-deflation techniques, this GEP is transformed into several equivalent nullspace free GEPs (NFGEPs), whose smallest few positive eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors are solved by an iterative eigensolver of the inner-outer type. Comparison with other methods for band structure calculations of 3D anisotropic/isotropic PCs is made to demonstrate the effectiveness and strength of our present approach.

邀请人: 张雷洪